The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, more commonly known as the Goldsmiths' Company, is one of the 'Twelve Great Livery Companies' of the City of London and received its first Royal Charter in 1327.
Founded to regulate the craft or trade of the goldsmith, the Goldsmiths' Company has been responsible since 1300 for testing the quality of gold, silver and, from 1975, platinum articles.
The Goldsmiths' Company hold an annual fair and in 2012 celebrated 30 years of supporting the country's most creative contemporary jewellers and silversmiths. 'Growing Talent', an exhibition at the Fair, invited graduates old and new to showcase their work. A 180 page catalogue was produced using gloss material for photography and black uncoated stock for text pages. Silver foil was applied to the cover over a printed silver image.